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Exciting times! Watch as I read a piece about My Math Experts’ Grand Opening.

Grand Opening! Phoenix education experts launch online 1:1 math tutoring program.

My Math Experts has been launched by brother and sister team, Kevin Kemper and Jessie Kemper. Kevin owned and operated a Mathnasium math learning center in North Central Phoenix for nearly a decade before he sold that business and entered the private equity world in 2016. Jessie has spent her career as a child life specialist at Phoenix Children’s hospital. They opened My Math Experts and created the My Math Experts system and platform because they know what works and they know how to help students succeed. For them, this business is a way to serve others. “We are here to help students and families take math stress out of their lives. With our system, we know we’ll have great outcomes so we even offer grade guarantees in many cases. Our tutors are truly excellent, the instruction is one on one, and we provide oversight of a unified plan with accountability, and it works,” says Mr. Kemper.

The My Math Experts system includes the following components. Students begin by meeting with the director to complete a math skills and learning style assessment. During this meeting, students will also discuss goals and provide all materials for their current class or upcoming standardized exam. The My Math Experts team will complete an in-depth analysis and send a detailed Success Plan and assessment results. This will include defined goals that are specific, measurable and attainable. The plan will also provide a blueprint for achieving these goals. This meeting and Success Plan are currently free with no commitment required. You can book your Success Plan Meeting at mymathexperts.com.

There are two other ways in which My Math Experts differentiates themselves from many competitors. First, all instruction is online and one on one with true subject experts. Every My Math Experts tutor is a former classroom math teacher or they possess 10+ years of verified math tutoring experience. “After the last few years, its been proven that students can effectively learn online, especially one to one with experts, and online learning creates huge efficiencies that we want to share with students and tutors,” says Mr. Kemper. Second, My Math Experts is focused on outcomes so they focus almost exclusively on homework and standardized test prep materials. “We are trying to take pressure off of families, so we want to help students learn through the lessons and materials that they are already responsible to complete.” My Math Experts provides the most efficient solutions for students to achieve excellent education outcomes.

My Math Experts is currently accepting students. Learn more or book your first appointment now by visiting mymathexperts.com.